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Sample Water and wastewater treatment, construction, and rehabilitation Bids
Please note these bids are EXPIRED and are SAMPLE content of what we offer to our paid subscribers
State | Bid Description | View |
OH | Highland County Water Company: Water Treatment Plant 300,000-Gallon Steel Ground Storage Tank Demolition, Contract 1-2022, Highland County Water Company, Hillsboro, Ohio (Quest Project #8150054)... | Open |
VA | Richmond: *ADDENDUM 1-15* Wastewater Treatment Plant – Division 48 Sludge Thickening and Dewatering Facility Improvements. *Bid due date changed to 4/28/22*... | Open |
FL | Punta Gorda: *Update* Construction Manager at Risk Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. The City of Punta Gorda seeks to accept proposals and prequalify Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) companies with the intent ... | Open |
WA | XX Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District: SMALL WORKS ROSTER. The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District is currently accepting applications from licensed contractors interested in being placed on the District’s Small Works Roste... | Open |
ID | Meridian: *ADDENDUM 1* DUE DATE EXTENDED Water Treatment Equipment for the Well 31 Water Treatment Facility project. ... | Open |
FL | Palm Bay: *Addenda 1-2* Well Repair Maintenance and Rehabilitation Services. Well Development and Redevelopment- Water Storage Tank Residual Cleaning-Well Rehabilitation Videotaping (both pre and post rehabilitation) – I... | Open |
CA | Irvine Ranch Water District: w/ *ADDENDA 1-5* 1.3 MG Fleming Zone 8 Reservoir and Zone 8 to 9 Pump Station. The project includes, but is not limited to, demolishing of existing storage building, administration building, ... | Open |
NC | Charlotte: *ADDENDUM 1-3* McDowell Creek WWTP Digester Cleanout and Inspection Services. The project consists of removing and properly disposing of all materials currently stored in Digester No. 5 and cleaning Digester N... | Open |
TX | Corpus Christi : *ADDENDA 1/2* Elevated Water Storage Tanks. The project scope of work includes the construction and painting of a composite type 3,000,000-gallon water elevated storage tank (EST) (Flour Bluff Elevated ... | Open |
IN | Evansville Water and Sewer Utility: New Water Treatment Plant (U1032). The general scope of this guaranteed savings contract project is to provide a surface water treatment plant (WTP) with a rated capacity of 50 mill... | Open |
IL | Aurora: *ADDENDA 1-3* Mastodon Lake Dredging and Shoreline Restoration This project includes the dredging of the accumulated sediment from Mastodon Lake using hydraulic dredging methods, dewatering and hauling of dredg... | Open |
MD | MD Environmental Service: *ADDENDA 1-7* Eastern Correctional Institution WWTP Sludge Upgrade. The Maryland Environmental Service is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified Contractors to Replacement of existing... | Open |
OH | Warsaw: Construction of WWTP Lagoon #1 Rebuild. The work for which Bids are invited consists of the furnishing of all materials and labor for the following: Contract A – Sludge Disposal: Consisting of removing and land a... | Open |
MO | Metro St Louis Sewer District: Lower Meramec WWTF Expansion Phase I... | Open |
NC | Charlotte: *ADDENDUM 1-4* Irwin Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Cleaning of Process Tanks. Removal, mechanical dewatering, filtrate management, transportation, and disposal of all materials from Irwin Creek wastewater t... | Open |
ID | Gooding: *ADDENDUM 1-7* DUE DATE EXTENDED Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) 1775 So 1800 East Proposed improvements to the WWTP facility include the following Work: • Rehabilitation of the existing headworks building... | Open |
IL | CREST HILL: WEST SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS The Project includes the following Work: Increasing the capacity of the West Sewage Treatment Plant from a current design average flow (DAF), design maximum flow (DMF... | Open |
TX | Midland: *ADDENDA 1 & 2* Water Reclamation Facility Plant Farm Ponds Rehabilitation. The project includes the draining, sludge removal and hauling, and removal and replacement of the pond liners at Farm Ponds A and B. Th... | Open |
FL | Dunedin: *Addenda 1-4* WWTP Electrical & SCADA System Upgrades. This project provides for the replacement of the electrical equipment and SCADA panels in the City of Dunedin Wastewater Treatment Plant, inclusive of all... | Open |
MD | Charles County: *ADDENDA 1-7* LANDFILL LEACHATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - PRETREATMENT FACILITY. Brief Description: Qualified contractors to design, build, and operate a Leachate Pre-Treatment Facility. **DUE DATE EXTENDED**... | Open |
TX | BRAZORIA CO: *ADDENDUM 1* STAINLESS STEEL WATER TANK 4,000 gallon tank, or equivalent.... | Open |
NM | Truth or Consequences: *ADDENDA 1-3* Main Street District (MSD) Water System Improvements. The Project includes the following Work: Project is to replace 23,600-feet of waterline in the Main Street District (MSD) of the ... | Open |
GA | Atlanta: *ADDENDUM 1,2* Annual Contract for Dewatering & Beneficial Reuse. *Due date extended to 7/19/22*... | Open |
UT | West Jordan: ZONE 6 HIGHWAY JUNCTION RESERVOIR 2 PROJECT The Work includes the construction of a new 3 MG AWWA D110, Type 1, prestressed concrete reservoir; reservoir inlet, outlet, underdrain, drain, overflow, and wash... | Open |
OH | Canton: *ADDENDA 1-4* Sugar Creek Water Treatment Plant & Wellfield Improvements. The Engineer’s Estimate for the base bid is $30,243,000.00.... | Open |
CA | Folsom: w/ *ADDENDA 1-3* WATER TREATMENT PLANT BACKWASH AND RECYCLED WATER CAPACITY PROJECT. The project is generally described as demolition of three existing submersible decant pumps, installation of three new submersi... | Open |
TX | Anahuac *docs Added* *ADDENDUM 1* Sludge Basin Conversion Project, TWDB DWSRF Project. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the removal of sludge within the existing basin and provide for an earthen levee, ... | Open |
IN | Edinburgh: Water System Improvements The work shall include: Existing Facilities: Complete demolition of an existing 7,700 sf mixed use building and existing 2,000 sf metal building. Demolition and restoration of an ... | Open |
IN | LaGrange County Regional Utility District: WASTEWATER PROJECT –PHASE II Sealed Bids for the construction of the LaGrange County Regional Utility District Region C Wastewater Project – Phase II are invited and... | Open |
IN | GREENFIELD: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT The Project includes the following Work: The project includes replacement of the existing WWTP with a new plant consisting of: raw sewage lift station, val... | Open |
CA | Corona: w/ *ADDENDA 1-2* Water Reclamation Facility No. 2 Odor Control and Flow Equalization Project. The Project will consist of the following: • Decommission and demolish existing flow equalization (EQ) ponds No. 1 an... | Open |
CO | Denver Water: *Additional documents* General Consultant (On-Call) Services. Denver Water is seeking long-term agreements for General Consultant Services to provide professional services and assistance on an as-needed b... | Open |
FL | Garney: Sarasota County Bee Ridge Water Reclamation Facility AWT Expansion 5550 Lorraine Road, Sarasota, FL 34240. Garney Construction Company (CMAR), is posting an Invitation to Bid for the Expansion project for the fol... | Open |
NC | Wake Forest: Re-Bid *DOCUMENT ADDED* *W/ADDENDUM 1-4- Wake Forest, NC - G. G. Hill WTP Lagoon Closure. The closure of existing alum lagoons and related structures, removal of three above ground storage tanks (ASTs) use... | Open |
MO | Kansas City: BIOGAS USE APPLICATIONS PROJECT. The Project consists of services for the design, construction, commissioning, and operation of a system that will accept all of the stored biogas from the Blue River WWTP ana... | Open |
TX | Angleton: Chenango GST Replacement. The project generally consists of the construction of a 1 million gallons prestressed concrete ground storage tank for storage of drinking water at the Chenango Water Plant, located at... | Open |
OK | Skiatook Public Works Authority: Water Treatment Plant Residuals Removal The project is consists of removal, testing, permitting and land application of residuals from three existing backwash storage lagoons at the Skia... | Open |
CT | Stamford: *Addenda 1-3* Sludge Degritting System Improvements . The Work to be done under this Contract and in accordance with the Contract Documents consists of furnishing labor, supervision, materials, tools, equipme... | Open |
FL | Daytona Beach: *Addenda 1-10* Heineman Street Potable Ground Water Storage Tank and Pump Station. The work generally consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials for the construction of the facilities consi... | Open |
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