(NA) Edinburgh: Water System Improvements The work shall include: Existing Facilities: Complete demolition of an existing 7,700 sf mixed use building and existing 2,000 sf metal building. Demolition and restoration of an existing water treatment plant including removal and disposal of a package Aeralator; a new exterior wall and door; and removal of process piping and equipment located in the building. New Treatment Plant: Construction of a new iron and manganese removal water treatment plant including a 2,800 sf masonry building with split faced block veneer; concrete detention tank; concrete backwash tank; 2,000 gpm aerator; three 500 gpm horizontal pressure filters; three 500 gpm high service pumps; process and yard piping; valves; backwash pumps; force main; gas chlorination system; chlorine gas scrubber system; fluoride feed system; Oracle feed system; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system; motor control center and electrical equipment; SCADA system; and site work including asphalt, concrete, crushed stone, fencing, grading, and restoration Groundwater Wells: Renovation of two existing well houses including replacement of two well pump/motors; replacement of electrical and controls equipment; new doors; new windows; new standing seem metal roofs; new HVAC; caulking; painting; coating; site work and restoration Construction of a new pitless groundwater well including process piping; valves; valve vault; and accessories. Existing Elevated Storage Tanks: SCADA upgrades Work shall be constructed under a Lump Sum Contract.
*Bid specifications not available for past bids.
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