(22-073CA) Corona: w/ *ADDENDA 1-2* Water Reclamation Facility No. 2 Odor Control and Flow Equalization Project. The Project will consist of the following: • Decommission and demolish existing flow equalization (EQ) ponds No. 1 and No. 2 • Design and construct new EQ basins in the location of EQ pond No. 2. • Decomission and demolish existing screw pump station downstream from the existing EQ ponds. Replace with a Vaughn chopper centrifugal pump configuration. • Design and construct a new coarse bubble aeration system to mix and freshen the wastewater in the new EQ basins. • Design and construct an odor control biofilter system. • Design and construct aluminum covers for odor control over the grit chamber, primary clarifiers, and new EQ basins. • Design and construct all new facilities with safe access for inspection and cleaning. • Design and construct sitework, including concrete, grading, paving, piping, and miscellanerous site improvements, as needed. • Modifications to existing facilities, as needed. • All electrical infrastructure, including conduits, pull boxes, wiring, grounding, enclosures; VFD’s and on-site electrical infrastrucutre; surveying; geotechnical engineering; permitting and regulatory approvals including AQMD compliance. • SCADA programming and system integration to be coordinated with City’s SCADA programming vendor. • Provide startup, performance testing, and operations training to City staff. **DUE DATE EXTENDED TO 7/13/22
*Bid specifications not available for past bids.
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