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Sample Dredging and Marine Bids
Please note these bids are EXPIRED and are SAMPLE content of what we offer to our paid subscribers
State | Bid Description | View |
SC | Aiken Co: *ADDENDUM 1-3* Horse Creek Aeration Basin #5 Sludge Removal. Aiken County Government is soliciting sealed bids from qualified vendors to remove approximately 17 million gallons of sludge from aeration basin #5 ... | Open |
AR | Warren: *ADDENDA 1-3* WWTP LAGOON SLUDGE REMOVAL - MCE Project No.: 19-5773 (PHASE I). The City of Warren Water and Sewer (Warren), located in the south east of Arkansas, operates and maintains a wastewater treatment pl... | Open |
MO | Barnard: Dredging of the sewerage lagoons... | Open |
MD | Anne Arundel County: *ADDENDUM 1* Q475011 - Jack Creek Park Dredging Material Beneficial Reuse. *DOCS ADDED*... | Open |
CA | CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA: (RFQ) Consultants to provide the professional services listed below for the term, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025, to facilitate the City's Capital Improvement Program and support a variety of munic... | Open |
FL | South Broward Drainage District: *Addenda 1-3* SBDD Post Disaster Debris & Tree Removal Services. SBDD is accepting bids for Post Disaster Debris & Tree Removal Services. Following a declared disaster, Contractors will c... | Open |
NC | Charlotte: *ADDENDUM 1-3* McDowell Creek WWTP Digester Cleanout and Inspection Services. The project consists of removing and properly disposing of all materials currently stored in Digester No. 5 and cleaning Digester N... | Open |
SC | Kiawah Island: *ADDENDUM 1* Debris Management and Emergency Response Management and Recovery Services... | Open |
IL | Aurora: *ADDENDA 1-3* Mastodon Lake Dredging and Shoreline Restoration This project includes the dredging of the accumulated sediment from Mastodon Lake using hydraulic dredging methods, dewatering and hauling of dredg... | Open |
OH | Westerville: *ADDENDUM 1* Water Plant Lime Sludge Removal and Land Application. The work includes the removal and land application of lime sludge from the east and middle lagoon located at the City’s Water Treatment Plan... | Open |
OH | Warsaw: Construction of WWTP Lagoon #1 Rebuild. The work for which Bids are invited consists of the furnishing of all materials and labor for the following: Contract A – Sludge Disposal: Consisting of removing and land a... | Open |
FL | Lee County: *Addenda 1-4* Olga WTP Sludge Removal & Disposal. The Lee County Board of County Commissioners seeks to contract with a qualified Vendors to remove the Alum residuals from four (4) Lagoons at the Olga Water T... | Open |
MO | Columbia: *ADDENDUM 1* Lime Loading, Hauling and Land Application - Multi Year... | Open |
OR | Silverton: *Addendum#1* 2022 BIOSOLIDS HAULING AND LAND APPLICATION. In general, the contract shall consist of the following: Removal of approximately 1.0 million gallons of treated wastewater sludge (biosolids) from con... | Open |
TX | Midland: *ADDENDA 1 & 2* Water Reclamation Facility Plant Farm Ponds Rehabilitation. The project includes the draining, sludge removal and hauling, and removal and replacement of the pond liners at Farm Ponds A and B. Th... | Open |
MI | Muskegon: Water Filtration Plant Water Intake System Inspection & Cleaning. The City of Muskegon Water Filtration Plant is seeking written proposals from qualified marine contractors to perform an inspection and cleaning... | Open |
MI | Muskegon: Water Filtration Plant – Water Intake System Inspection and Cleaning. The City of Muskegon Water Filtration Plant is seeking proposals from qualified marine contractors to perform an inspection and cleaning of ... | Open |
OH | Granville: Removal and Land Application/Beneficial Reuse of Lime Sludge. The Work shall include removal from the lime sludge basins, transporting, and land applying for beneficial reuse of the lime sludge from the Water ... | Open |
TX | Seadrift - *Addenda 1/2* 12th to 15th Shoreline Erosion. The project shall consist of the demolition of existing concrete rip-rip and installation of approximately 13,500 SF of erosion mats and anchors, appropriate fi... | Open |
GA | Atlanta: *ADDENDUM 1,2* Annual Contract for Dewatering & Beneficial Reuse. *Due date extended to 7/19/22*... | Open |
OK | Muskogee: Wastewater Treatment Plant Bio-Solids Removal, Hauling & Disposal ... | Open |
TX | The Cooperative : General Disaster Recovery and Restoration Services.... | Open |
WA | XX Yakima County Fire Protection District 12 : 2021 SMALL WORKS ROSTER . In accordance with the Revised Code of Washington 39.04.155. Yakima County Fire Protection District 12/ West Valley Fire Department and Yakima ... | Open |
FL | South Broward Drainage District: *Addenda 1-2* SBDD Post Disaster Vac Truck/Dredger Services. SBDD is accepting bids for Post Disaster Vac Truck/Dredger Services. Following a declared disaster, Contractor will clean/chan... | Open |
TX | Lake Kiowa POA : Silt removal in retention ponds.... | Open |
AR | North Little Rock Wastewater Treatment Committee: Biosolids Removal and Land Application. This project consists of the removal of the biosolids in the facultative lagoon at the Five Mile Creek Water Reclamation Facil... | Open |
TX | Anahuac *docs Added* *ADDENDUM 1* Sludge Basin Conversion Project, TWDB DWSRF Project. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the removal of sludge within the existing basin and provide for an earthen levee, ... | Open |
AR | Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority: *ADDENDA 1-2* Removal and Beneficial Use of Biosolids Land Application. for the removal and beneficial reuse of municipal sewage sludge known as "biosolids", located at the Fo... | Open |
GA | Sandy Springs: Disaster Recovery Services... | Open |
OK | Skiatook Public Works Authority: Water Treatment Plant Residuals Removal The project is consists of removal, testing, permitting and land application of residuals from three existing backwash storage lagoons at the Skia... | Open |
CT | Westport: *Update* Burying Hill Beach-Timber Groin Replacement . The entire existing groin shall be removed and disposed of. A new timber groin shall be constructed out of timber piles, timber sheeting and timber wales. ... | Open |
TX | Nueces County : Bob Hall Fishing Pier - Marine Debris Removal, Demolition & Reef Placement ... | Open |
WA | Snohomish County: *ADDENDA 1 -3* On Call Consultant Services, 2023 - 2025... | Open |
FL | Lakeland : Removal of Process Water Ponds Solids at McIntosh Power Plant. The City of Lakeland is seeking bids from a qualified contractor to remove, dewater, and transport the solids from the McIntosh power plant (MPP) ... | Open |
NJ | South Jersey Port Corporation : Engineering Services in five different categories including Marine Engineer, Civil Engineer, Construction Management, Geo-Tech Services, and Certified Divers. Approved qualified firms wil... | Open |
NY | NYSDEC: *ADDENDA 1-2* Old Upper Mountain Road - Environmental Remediation, DEC Site No. 932112. The project involves remediation and restoration at the Old Upper Mountain Road site, located within the Town and City of Lo... | Open |
IL | Jacksonville: Removal, Transport, and Land Application of Water Treatment Plant Sludge from the Lagoon Sites and Wastewater Treatment Plant Anaerobically Digested Sludge... | Open |
NJ | Brick : Nejecho Lagoon Dredge and Windward Beach Nourishment Project. WORK DESCRIPTION: Mechanical dredging of 2,190 cubic yards of material from Nejecho Lagoon. The dredge material is to be managed and transported to Wi... | Open |
FL | FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation: *Addenda 1-4* Lake Jackson (Habitat Enhancement). The intent of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to obtain competitive pricing for the removal of aquatic vegetation and dredging from Lak... | Open |
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