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Warren, AR Sample Bid Opportunity #707257

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 707257 in Warren,  AR
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(Invitation to Bid) City of Warren Water and Sewer 104 Myrtle - Warren, AR

Bioremediation, Dredging, marine, Waste - solid, recycle, disposal, trucking

Warren: *ADDENDA 1-3* WWTP LAGOON SLUDGE REMOVAL - MCE Project No.: 19-5773 (PHASE I). The City of Warren Water and Sewer (Warren), located in the south east of Arkansas, operates and maintains a wastewater treatment plant known as Warren WWTP Lagoon. The exact location of the WWTP lagoon is at 127 Bradley 901, Warren, AR 71671. Warren has been treating municipal wastewater with three lagoon cells of approximately equal sizes for a significant period of time. Recent bathymetric survey of the lagoon cells utilizing unmanned surface vehicle, USV, indicated significant sludge accumulation in cell 1, but buildup in cell 2 was to a lesser extent. There was no appreciable sludge accumulation in cell 3. Warren plans to dispose of the sludge in cell 1. The sizes of cells are identical, 1,500 feet by 350 feet by 11.5 feet each. The sludge will be removed from cell 1 and be transported to land application site(s) approved by the Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ), contingent upon meeting the DEQ criteria. The city of Warren would attempt to provide site(s) closer to the Warren WWTP lagoon for the proposed biosolid land application. Based on the USV bathymetric survey, the quantity of sludge to be disposed of is approximately 3,300,000 gallons. Most of the sludges are located in the one-third portion of the basin length from the influent end. The sludge height should be reduced to the level shown in diagram 3. Prior to the removal of sludge from lagoon cell 1, the depths of the sludge and the quantity of the sludge to be removed must be determined, and be submitted to Warren and the Engineer for review. Bids shall be on a lump sum price basis.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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