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Union City, NJ Sample Bid Opportunity #708689

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 708689 in Union City,  NJ
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(RFQ) UNION CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION 3912 Bergen Turnpike - Union City, NJ

Architect, Civil Engineering - all services, Consulting/Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Consulting

Union City Board of Education: (RFQ) Professional Services General Environmental Consulting Services; General Architectural Services; General Engineering Services. SUBMIT TO: Request for qualification responses shall be received by the Board's Purchasing Agent, or his designee, on Wednesday June 1, 2022 at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, at 3912 Bergen Turnpike, Union City, New Jersey 07087, at which time said responses will be publicly opened and read. All responses must be enclosed in a sealed envelope. The service provider must provide 3 copies of each response and indicate the following on the outside of the envelope: (1) the name and address of the service provider; (2) the service (category # and service) for which the response is submitted; and (3) "SEALED RFQ RESPONSE". The envelope must be addressed to Purchasing Agent, Union City Board of Education, 3912 Bergen Turnpike, Union City, New Jersey 07087, and may be delivered by hand, overnight courier or mail. The envelope containing the response must be received by the Purchasing Agent by the date and time set forth above. No late responses will be accepted. In the event any vendor is submitting a response in more than one numbered category, separate sealed envelopes containing separate responses must be submitted indicating the numbered category and the service. Failure to do so, may result in the rejection of responses. Responses should be detailed and comprehensive in addressing the service provider's qualifications so the Board may make an informed decision. The Responses will be evaluated by the Board on the basis of the following criteria: 1. The experience and reputation in the field. 2. Knowledge of the Union City Board of Education, and of matters concerning the Union City Board of Education, and of the subject matter to be addressed under the contract. 3. Availability to attend Union City Board of Education meetings and other matters. 4. Availability of personnel and other resources to provide such services. 5. Compensation proposal. 6. Other factors if demonstrated to be in the interests of the Union City Board of Education. Contract will be awarded based on the most advantageous responses, price and other factors considered.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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