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Fort Duchesne, UT Sample Bid Opportunity #707645

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 707645 in Fort Duchesne,  UT
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(RFP) Ute Indian Housing Authority (UIHA) 7700 East 800 South P.O. Box 250 - Fort Duchesne, UT

Environmental Engineering and Consulting, Industrial hygiene, Mold

Ute Indian Housing Authority: METH AND MOLD REMEDIATION SERVICES The Ute Indian Housing Authority (UIHA), Fort Duchesne, Utah is seeking proposals from qualified individuals/firms that can provide meth decontamination & testing, mold treatment & removal, and cleaning services for the low-income rental and homeownership programs. The successful firm will be offered a 1-year service contract with a cost limit to be determined by UIHA. UIHA will accept proposals from qualified individuals/firms that can provide specific services such as: Conduct on-site meth testing, and pre-and post-decontamination services as needed Prepare meth contamination assessments Conduct on-site meth decontamination services Conduct on-site inspections for mold contamination Conduct mold treatment and removal services Conduct home cleaning services Each proposal will be rated using a point system that is applied to the information provided by the offeror that addresses the needs of the housing authority. Past experience with Indian Housing Authorities or Native Am. Tribes, 15 points Professional licenses/certifications, 15 points Fee structure & expenses, 15 points Indian Preference, 15 points Contract history/performance, 15 points References, 15 points Total Points, 90 points The firm with completed proposal requirements and the highest overall rating (point score) will be selected.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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