(FUL-2022-1) Orange County Water District: FULLERTON MAIN PLANT PFAS WATER TREATMENT PLANT. The Fullerton Main Plant PFAS Water Treatment Plant project generally consists of the following major components. 1. Take delivery and install District furnished Dual Media Pressure Vessel systems at the Water Treatment Plant including pressure testing, disinfection, and bacteria testing. 2. Take delivery and install District furnished Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) system media into dual media pressure vessels. 3. Furnish and install a backwash system for the Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) system. Coordinate and assist with installation of District purchased media. 4. Rehabilitation (redevelopment) of City water supply well number 3A. 5. Furnish and install a new well pump and motor. 6. Water Treatment Plant Structural Concrete: Construct structural concrete at the Fullerton Main Plant site for the PFAS Water Treatment Plant. 7. Connect to the Water Treatment Plant and to the distribution system: Furnish and install epoxy lined and coated above ground piping and epoxy lined and cement mortar coated (CMC) buried pipelines to the Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) system. Construct epoxy lined and coated above ground piping and epoxy lined and cement mortar coated (CMC) buried pipeline from the GAC system to the connection to the distribution system. 8. Paving and Site Improvements: Grading, Asphalt Paving, and drainage at the new water treatment plant. 9. Exterior Wall, gate, landscaping, and irrigation. 10. Electrical and Instrumentation: Electrical equipment and facilities, and instrumentation equipment and facilities at the new water treatment plant. Instrumentation and control systems shall be coordinated with the City's Controls Integrator. 11. Provide all commissioning and start-up-services.
*Bid specifications not available for past bids.
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