(E05402) PennDOT: (E05402) (SOI/LOI) Design and Misc Services, Environmental Services. The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for (1) open-end agreement for the services indicated below on various projects. A non-project specific, deliverable based, open-end agreement for environmental services on various projects, statewide.. The Agreement will be for a period of 5 years. with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The maximum amount of the Open-end Agreement will be 2,000,000 dollars. The work and services required under this contract may encompass a wide range of studies with the possibility of several different types of projects with short completion schedules being assigned concurrently. The anticipated types of projects include, but not limited to: -Participate in and report on project scoping, status meetings, document review and public and agency meetings. -Perform data collection, data management, and technical analysis activities. -Perform comprehensive land use and community planning activities relative to transportation project development. -Analyze preliminary data and analysis. - Plan & perform public and agency involvement activities. -Develop engineering plans and documents in the preliminary design phases. -Develop environmental reports and related documents, including mitigation plans. -Develop and submit permits required by state agencies including those which may be required for erosion and sedimentation control, storm water discharge, earth disturbance, placement of fill in controlled area, and waterway and flood plain involvement. There are no pre-defined tasks for this project. Work will be conducted using a work order, negotiated with the selected offeror throughout the time of the contract. The work order will define the scope of work for specific tasks to be conducted and determine the appropriate costs of each task, as well as the associated deliverables and timeline. The cost of each work order will draw down from the maximum contract amount. The selected offeror should not anticipate a uniform distribution of work throughout the contract period. All the work that is performed for this contract must fall within the scope of one or more of the below work tasks. The areas of environmental study required under the contract may include, but are not limited to: air quality; noise and vibration; hazardous waste; surface water and ground water quality; surface water and ground water hydrology; terrestrial ecology including threatened and endangered species; wetlands; soils; geology; agricultural resources; visual quality; socioeconomic resources; archaeological and historic resources; section 4(f) evaluations; early coordination; scoping; correspondence; meeting minutes; public meetings and hearing presentations; visualization materials; handout and displays; technical basis reports (TBRs) and/or technical files; NEPA environmental documents; section 106 documents; mitigation plans and reports; wetland identification and monitoring; floodplain findings; preliminary engineering plans; remote sensing/mapping innovations; and, land use. A more specific and project-related Scope of Work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-end Agreement.
*Bid specifications not available for past bids.
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