(22-007) Banning: w/ *ADDENDUM 1* (RFQ) On-Call Engineering Services. SCOPE OF WORK IV.A Civil Design Services Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • Plan, study, analyze and design a variety of project types including, but not necessarily limited to, roadways (geometric design and pavement design), alternative transportation facilities, intersection improvements, retaining walls, drainage analyses and studies, drainage structures, water quality management plans, utility plans, and SWPPP. Additional services include, but are not limited to: • Support for environmental permitting, • Coordination with public and private projects, • Cost estimates, • Specifications, • Request for Information (“RFI”)/Request for Clarification (“RFC”) reviews, • Quality Assurance (“QA”)/Quality Control (“QC”) services, • Submittal review and other post-design services, • Ready to bid stamped and sealed plans and specifications • Project management services Selected firm(s) are expected to have a multi-disciplinary staff with the ability to tackle the multi-faceted nature of most government funded roadway projects and may be tasked with one or more elements of a given project. IV.B Specialized Utility Services Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • Plan, study, analyze and design a variety of utility project types including, but not necessarily limited to, water production, storage, transmission and interconnect facilities, sewer lift, transmission, and treatment facilities. Additional services include, but are not limited to: • Review of developer projects and reports related to water supply • Rehabilitation projects for existing facilities • Master planning • Maintaining and updating the City's Hydraulic models (Water is in InfoWater format, sewer is in InfoSWMM format) Leak surveys and Water Loss Reduction surveys • Project management services IV.C Traffic Engineering Services Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • Plan, study and analyze both existing and future traffic conditions including roadway signage and pavement markings • Perform transit planning, transportation master plans and plan updates. Additional services under this category include: • Traffic signal design • Signal warrant studies • Traffic flow modeling and prediction • Developing signal timing plans • Intersection safety studies • Traffic calming studies • Safe routes to school programs, • Roadway lighting evaluation and design • Traffic impact analysis which include review traffic impact analyses provided by others and evaluate trip generation, safety, compliance to Town ordinances and development codes, as well as local and regional transportation plans and other master plans as appropriate) , • Temporary traffic control plan • Signing and striping design • Intelligent transportation systems design. • Other supplemental services as agreed to. • Project management services IV.D Transportation Planning Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • plan, study and analyze existing and future conditions (land use patterns, land ownership, travel data, functional classification, access management, roadway conditions, crash data, roadway networks, traffic counts, population growth, socioeconomic, traffic conditions, environmental), alternative analysis and potential improvements, and • public outreach Additional services include but are not limited to: • Long Range Transportation Plans, • Transportation Master Plans, • Corridor Location Studies, • Corridor Master Plans, • Access Management Plans, • Pavement Assessment Plans, • Feasibility Studies, • Transit Plans, • Bike or Pedestrian Plans and • Small Area Transportation Plans IV.E Surveying and Mapping Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • survey, study and analyze existing record maps, dedications, easements, title reports, and other survey documents to prepare accurate base maps • perform boundary, centerline, and topographic surveys Additional services include but are not limited to: • Preparation of Plats and Legal Descriptions • Preparation of Grand Deeds • Lot splits and Lot Mergers • Lot ties • Maps of dedication • construction staking and as-built surveys • right of way and easement investigation • preparation of miscellaneous exhibits. IV.F Geotechnical and Material Testing Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: Perform geotechnical services such as geotechnical site and subsurface reconnaissance and investigation to include geophysical investigations, fault hazards, laboratory testing services, and geotechnical analysis. • Provide geotechnical reports, signed and sealed by a California licensed Professional engineer, presenting findings of subsurface exploration and providing recommendations regarding the design and construction of improvements including but not limited to: o Building Foundations and Footings o Bridge Piers o Slabs-on-Grade o Paving sections o Embankment fill • Perform geotechnical inspections of projects in construction including soils and construction materials testing. Provide test results and recommendations for suitability or corrective action to the City.Provide forensic geotechnical analysis to the City on public infrastructure and private site development as needed.The Consultant will be responsible for the contract administration, management, inspection and coordination of any sub-consultants or sub-consultants’ work, and completing utility clearance. IV.G Grant Writing and Management Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • Provide grant writing and management services for Local, State, and Federal grant programs identified by the City of Banning. • Prepare draft applications and provide data related to the preparation of competitive grant applications for projects within the Public Works Department Additional services include but are not limited to: • Street/Highway operational and safety improvements • Building and Facility upgrade and maintenance • Long and Short Range Transportation Planning/Transit Planning • Operational upgrades and rehabilitation of potable water/non-potable water/sewer systems and facilities • Additional projects as may be needed IV.H Environmental Services Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: Perform, supervise, and oversee the preparation of comprehensive environmental assessments, and appropriate technical studies that are necessary for complying with all environmental regulations and requirements applicable to various District projects. Requirements may include, but are not limited to various requirements and regulations set forth by National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and any applicable environmental and regulatory permits. All NEPA work shall be prepared in accordance with the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER) or Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) environmental review requirements. All CEQA work shall conform to the latest version of the State CEQA Guidelines. • Perform a variety of environmental investigations to State and Federal standards. • Familiarity with water and wastewater systems and facilities • Assist the City in identifying the level of environmental documents necessary for project approval and including support information for said determination.General knowledge of CEQA and NEPA processes for developing environmental documents, Caltrans Local Assistance Manuals, Caltrans design procedures, Standard Plans, Standard Specifications, and Caltrans Standard Test Methods, Local regulatory policies administered by Caltrans, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB). Additional services include but are not limited to: • Prepare Initial Studies, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Mitigation Monitoring Plans, and other associated documents such as, but not limited to, Early Consultations, Notices of Intent and Notice of Determination. • Assist the City in identifying distribution and publishing requirements necessary for compliance with NEPA/CEQA and, when requested, undertake the distribution of documents and publishing of required notices with the State Clearinghouse or other entities.Prepare written responses to agency and public comments received as part of the public review process and attend public meetings/hearings, as necessary to provide technical presentations and respond to public inquiries.Obtain all permits required to comply with applicable Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and regulations.Provide construction monitoring services as related to environmental permitting (such as biological, cultural, etc.) IV.I Landscape Architecture Services Responders to this discipline must have the ability to: • Plan, study, analyze, and design a variety of landscaping and irrigation project types for improvements within the City of Banning Right of Way and Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) facilities, including rehabilitation project, turf replacement projects, drip conversion project, and water consumption analysis. Additional service include, but are not limited to: • Roadway landscaping, irrigation, and pedestrian facilities • Water budget analysis of existing and proposed facilities • Coordination with City of Banning Water Department • Support of Complete Streets initiatives • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates • Request for Information (“RFI”)/Request for Clarification (“RFC”) reviews • Quality Assurance (“QA”)/Quality Control (“QC”) services • Submittal review and other post-design services • Project management • Post construction inspection
*Bid specifications not available for past bids.
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