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Anaheim, CA Sample Bid Opportunity #699046

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 699046 in Anaheim,  CA
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(RFQ) City of Anaheim 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 1101 - Anaheim, CA

Consulting/Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Consulting, Hazardous Waste, Lab Testing - sampling, analysis, Pollution control, Site assessments, remediation, LSP, LEP services

(20220302-01) Anaheim: w/ *ADDENDA 1-2* (RFQ) Environmental Consulting Services. Consultants must be able to expertly perform work in at least one of the listed Service Groups. Subconsultants may be utilized if needed to ensure their ability to conduct all activities necessary within a Service Group; however, in prequalifying Consultants APU will favor those that rely solely on in-house resources. Subcontracting shall be evaluated on a per-Project basis and requires advance written approval of APU. Service Group 1: CEQA / NEPA, Biological Studies, and Water Compliance Projects may include • Preparation of CEQA/NEPA documents and relevant technical studies (such as air quality/greenhouse gas analysis, cultural resources/tribal resources studies and consulting, noise studies, traffic assessments, and visual impact assessments); Conducting biological studies for compliance with state and federal laws; • Conducting jurisdictional water evaluations to identify Waters of the United States and Waters of the State of California. • Obtaining Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements; • Obtaining Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits; • Preparing NPDES permitting documents and reports; • Preparing and reviewing SWPPP and WQMP documents from contractors; • Conducting field inspection on construction projects or active facilities to verify compliance with permits and regulations; and • Preparing training materials, as needed. Service Group 2: Hazardous Materials Management / Facility Compliance Projects may include all aspects of assistance with hazardous materials compliance at active or former utility facilities, such as: • Provision of recommendations for hazardous waste or materials management, including preparation of Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans; • Conducting hazardous materials surveys including lead and asbestos testing. • Preparing and updating California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) plans and Risk Management Plans; • Preparing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments. Related work may require collecting samples of soil, water, or air and preparing technical reports. When Projects require Consultant to submit interpretive reports, such reports must be prepared under the direct supervision of a California Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist. These reports shall be signed and sealed by the responsible professional; and • Implementing site assessments for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) under the requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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