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Liberty Lake, WA Sample Bid Opportunity #695461

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Construction Manager Examining Bid 695461 in Liberty Lake,  WA
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(RFP) Central Valley School District #356 2218 N. Molter Road - Liberty Lake, WA

Architect, Civil Engineering - all services, Commissioning services, Consulting/Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Consulting, GIS Mapping, Lab Testing - sampling, analysis, Landscape architects, Program, Project and construction management services, Site assessments, remediation, LSP, LEP services, Soil & groundwater, roadway cleanup

(na) XX Central Valley School District #356 (RFQ) A&E, Miscellaneous Consultants and Professional Services File #:135-22-01-S Notice is given that the Central Valley School District #356 is seeking statements of qualifications for entry into the district, Purchasing Office, A/E, Miscellaneous and Professional Services Consultant Reference File of qualified firms. Firms including but not limited to: licensed architects and engineers, other professionals such as: support services in planning, programming, environmental analysis, soils engineering, hazardous materials consulting, survey consulting, geo technical consulting, special inspection and testing consulting, traffic engineering consulting, value analysis, constructability review, commissioning services, fire protection, mechanical and electrical engineers, energy studies, and other miscellaneous and professional service consultants. These reference files may be reviewed for consideration when selecting consultants for projects as they arise in the district.

*Bid specifications not available for past bids.

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